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tv   [untitled]    September 20, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations through the day. police step into guard jails in georgia thousands margit outrage across the country after footage emerges which appears to show prison guards torturing inmates. cry and seeks to secure its missions and schools in muslim countries bearing the fallout from new french cartoons of the prophet mohammad. and she activists in bahrain rallied to demand equal rights from the sunni monarchy while the kingdom pledges to improve on how it treats the protestors.
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on screen and all mine twenty four hours a day seven days a week this is our karen taraji and george of the police will be drafted into work at all jails up to the president ordered the suspension of the country's entire prison security staff as as thousands took to the streets in response to a t.v. broadcast of a video appearing to show inmates being tortured and sexually abused by guards archies you've got this kind of has the details from tbilisi. these are the largest protests georgia seen in years and i'm not only talking about the thousands of people taking to the streets in the capital of tbilisi but process of also happens in many other large towns across the country maybe people who are very angry with this video right now and some protestors keenlyside saying the reef mia barely addressed to georgian authorities others as signs saying concern is not enough
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addressed the european union official some people claim to have recognized their own relatives being allegedly abused by britain officials and this is a small country and news here really spreads quickly and so does public anger and the protesters are demanding not only the sacking off officials responsible for the interior ministry but also for their illegal prosecution now the videos themselves were leaked by a former employee a staff member of one of the main prisons in georgia not far away from the b.b.c. this man is currently in exile in belgium and the video show alleged abuse by the staff members of the inmates not only the beating up inmates but also literally torture including sexual abuse and including abuse of minors all of this is happening in light of a major public city campaign promoting the recent reform of georgia's penitentiary
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system jails are presented with an image of being as transparent as they get while inmates even have quads to get rid of cash to fight corruption so these videos and this whole scandal is definitely a huge blow to this p.r. campaign george is preparing for parliamentary elections there's already tension in the air the opposition is being quite active as well and so these videos are a major punch in the piece to georgian authorities the news well what's also interesting is that many protesters have. compared these videos to forage from the if there was a good one out of a prison but if we talk about guantanamo then there are terror suspects held there while the people who are in these videos are just ordinary inmates. artie's you've got this going on there who's covering the story for us in tbilisi and you can follow latest developments on his twitter feed political analyst eric
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draitser he believes the roots of the problem can be found within the regime itself . we've seen over the course of a number of years the saakashvili government has demonstrated that they have little to no regard for human rights we only need to look at the conflict in south and in a positive to see what the saakashvili administration actually is interested in they're not interested in human rights they're interested in aggression and most importantly they're interested in shoring up their relationship with the united states darkish really is without a doubt one of the most egregious violators of human rights and human dignity anywhere in the world and i stress that once again that saakashvili cannot exist without the united states we remember really is close close relationship with the bush administration released desires to put nato into the to put georgia into the nato spear of influence into nato's orbit and so yes there is absolutely
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a trend and this is precisely why the united states is able to continue to support saakashvili in the same way that they've supported brutal dictators all over the world for the last few decades right now as political analyst eric draitser talking to us from. france is rushing to ensure the safety of its diplomatic missions abroad after a french satirical magazine published cartoons of the naked prophet muhammad paris has shot and aziz at schools in some countries to minimize risk but the prime minister has defended media freedom artist marina phenomena as the details. this is definitely a sensitive issue in the world right now as protests against the u.s. make it feel. it's especially sensitive full fronts which houses western europe's largest muslim population there are five million people we've heard both wards of criticism and just a fixation for the katun from told french officials the foreign minister expressed concern for the safety of french citizens across the world saying they could tune
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may add fuel to the flames security has been posted in the country's missions across the islamic world. world with embassies and schools closed for several days the prime minister however aside the freedom of expression including set tire is guaranteed by law in a democratic society and those who take issue with the cartoon should go to court and this is exactly what happened in the case of the duchess of cambridge who was topless photos were printed in the french media the british royal family has taken the matter to court and the reprinting of the pictures was banned and friends but many see corsi here because definitely it's much easier for the member of the royal family to defend. privacy in the courts than for not removed live for example living outside the front. of the prince of.
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mysteries of the world where once a room for two years but now. on the other side of the moment good to be really strikes and. so this is a bit of a sort of reaction from the government and friends this is again fuel in the debate on liberty versus security with actually no clear understanding of where to draw the line even with the government itself with the french government in this case there's a typical magazine meanwhile that published the cartoons claims it is their right to more whatever they want including extremists in and they say that they more the issues of the day every week it's actually this particular magazine is supposed to do so this is a satirical mad magazine and they have famous for very special humor and they've been touching upon very sensitive subjects such as catholic choice law make law but some say it's just
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a rush to make profits as this issue of the magazine sold out and they are planning another printer on. artie's mara for national there talking about the possible fallout from the publication of prophet mohammad cartoons and a french magazine. kurdistan has agreed to extend russia's military presence in the country my fifteen years deal which includes the existing current air base was signed during president putin's visit to the country russia says the base will provide stability in central asia after the withdrawal of nato forces from afghanistan in twenty fourteen for more let's talk to political analysts dmitry babich who joins us now live in the studio here in moscow thank you so much for being with us and tell us a meter what is the significance of this agreement i think it's very important for russia to have a base in kyrgyzstan because it's in the middle of central asia and russia understands that some point it will have to face some rivalry with the united states and possibly with china in the region so russia wants to have
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a certain influence there why is it that kurdistan dismissed the idea of transforming menards the american base into a civilian facility welcomed by of the new president brought on by of. the talk about it today he said that it will be a civilian court in two years but we have heard it from the former president kiir for and we hope that even before you know the problem is that kyrgyzstan is a very poor country and for them russian and american bases on their territory these are important sources of income so what president putin says that the russian military base in college will bring stability to central asia and they say that after the withdrawal of nato forces in afghanistan twenty fourteen that that's when that would happen what kind of a difference do you think russia can make in the region where the base in canada is basically the base or the collective security treaty organization and the alliance of country as russia and central asian countries which is supposed to provide
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stability in the region something most of us it was created to have been. in ninety two and they would say it played a positive role during the ninety s. and afterwards because there was the taliban threat and thanks to c.s.t. all we managed to sort of create a common front against this threat is in the more recent years if you remember when there were riots or killed just on a rush even for military how likely there was no need to provide that but in general i think russia is a stabilizing force in the region because russia absorbs a lot of walks force from central asia without russia there would have a social exposure of their will on the goal and in that sense russia was military and economically russia is a stabilizing force in central asia how would you define president our. political affiliation is he more pro western or would you say he's more prone russian he wants to he wants to do balls he wants to be boss pro western and pro russian you
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know kyrgyzstan is the only democratic country in central asia but it's also by far the most unstable one so in order to stabilize the country and to provide for these people on time by a quest to have good relations with bourse western countries and with russia do you think that's possible i think that theoretically this is possible because i don't see the real you know i don't see these two forces seem compatible i think both russia and the west are interested in stability in central asia and in a strong afghanistan at least that's what we hear all right well live in our t.v. studio with us thank you so much dimitri babich political analyst thank you well more international news stories coming your way after a short break stay with r.t. .
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it's perched atop a jar and the view from the kremlin stretches as far as the eye can see. for a city to siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed by the chance i bear in railway but the a spiritual. eat. things like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of worship. to commemorate the baptism of jesus.
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it doesn't matter if it's minus thirty it's a siberian tradition i do it myself every year for everyone to overcome their worst fears in his desire to take the plunge. but that's a picture postcard church is the story of a city built by opportunist explorers political exiles and crafty fur traders. in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic hub. the oil of its time bringing in a third of. locations head of the east as for the russians the birth of the. own to moscow is one of the most popular places to send political dissenters not any people were exiled but once a giant bow that was used to incite riots was supposed to set a three hundred ten. the russian heiress across who led
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a revolt against the tsar and eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists worse than hair and drove. there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at least once they made it from paris to siberia but the city also served up some bitter irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the office was the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here and they were the fairly comfortable existence this was a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves was leading this ordinary normal countryside lifestyle they even had thoughts of escape but within the year bizarre and his family would be dead.
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never again its political significance but the streets will always go with a glorious past. the like to provide the livelihood first inhabitants in the future . welcome back on karen terrill to your with r t turkey is set for final hearings in a trial over an alleged military coup to overthrow the government in two thousand and three three hundred sixty five people on trial it's allege of the military were planning to trigger on ruston the country with measures including bombing mosques and blowing up a turkish plane all while pinning the blame on others including greece let's now talk to dr sami koran deputy president all the workers party chair of the international relations bureau and a professor of economics at the canter university. professor thank you for joining our teacher day now not much is clear about the alleged plot the current turkish
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government appears to be very keen to see members of the military prosecuted does it have any vested interest here. well i mean i hear you're very hurt you're very. dim the could you repeat the question sure i'm trying to say that not much has been made very clear about this alleged plot now we've seen the turkish the current turkish government who appears to be very are keen to see the members of the military prosecuted do you think it has any vested interest in this scenario well actually the it's not everyone in the military who gets prosecuted well the ones the generals the high rank officers who get prosecuted they have three things in common actually one of them is they oppose the liquidation of the kemalist revolution in turkey now the second one is they actually wish to cooperate more with eurasia
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then just getting to the west tony to diversify turkey's options especially in protecting turkey's security and finally they're the ones who have for separatism in turkey very firmly is this actually explains that while they're accused of having planned the coup but what's going on in turkey is the implementation of a coup on the park of the government against the military against the forces now prime minister ever the one seems very eager to establish his power over the formerly strong military in the country and he certainly does have many goals which are in line with nato interests like trying to go into syria is he trying to make sure the military doesn't hinder him. well actually while they're true
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to understand what's going on regarding that relation is well to consider just to have a few to lance a quick glance at the relations between turkey and nato after the call to war was over actually the nato link first became sort of obscure what was the use of continuing that but after the first gulf war well after the declaration of the north flies on in northern iraq well actually the p.k. k. force us. redeployed to northern iraq but the north fly zone that was under the control of the us and that actually was being controlled from military bases in turkey the military the turkish military the turkish armed forces the commanders in charge of combating separatism has the
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possibility of directly observing the separatist forces were being spartak large just to clear and otherwise by the u.s. and directed by that so they actually start to shift that front. against the u.s. and afghanistan to some extent side that actually explains. now who is more prone to a nato in turkey today is the government and bad one actually has declared several times that he's acting as one of the core chairs of the great middle east project of the us but the turkish armed forces especially those close to twenty percent generals on the high ranked officials are in prison in turkey now it's very strange because turkey has to fight separatism turkey is located in
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a place where there is always a threat to war so the military forces are very important but it's that cannot be explained from my viewpoint from turkey that can only be explained by you viewpoint from elsewhere all right thank you so much a lot from among a lot of doctors simic or our deputy president of the workers' party thank you for your time and by her rain hundreds of activists have taken to the streets to demand they are given equal rights by the sunni monarchy as well as the release of political prisoners the government has been violently clamping down on protests for the past eighteen months with accusations of brutality by the regime however the kingdom has pledged to improve on its treatment of political activists and try to prevent violence against ethnic and religious communities that's after criticism and recommendations from the un human rights body. india is in the grip of
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a nationwide strike with businesses shut down trains disrupted and protesters on the streets all this in response to a government plan to allow global supermarket chains to enter india's retail sector artie's priya sridhar is in new delhi. well right now actually millions of shopkeepers here in new delhi and in cities across india have decided to close down their stores against a government plan that would allow foreign multi brand retail grocery stores like wal-mart and tesco into this country right now foreign retail stores are allowed to sell to small shopkeepers but not directly to consumers so this would have a wide spread effect on indian shopkeepers the i've spoken to many who say that these stores have been in their families for generations and that if stores like wal-mart and tesco were to come in it would completely ruin india's supply chain
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and change the shopping culture in this country so millions of people are protested it the opposition party of the b j p is actually even asked the prime minister of india to step down over these play and so there's been a lot of corruption scandals going on with the congress party of the leading party ruling the government here in india right now and they're trying to do everything they can to turn that around before the elections of twenty fourteen but the average consumer on the street says most of these stores that people buy food by their spices buy what they need are small shops there aren't really many big stores here in india and so that would actually change the supply chain dramatically and really affect the middlemen the people who are bringing the stuff from the farmers to the shopkeepers and millions of jobs could be lost if
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this policy is actually implemented. that's joined katie for business news no going to energy giant b.p. is once again in talks with russia's top oil company ralston. tillerson katie yeah the energy mage's they've once again karen we need their partnership talks in the saga ross nafta is reportedly are to find out a t. nk a be paid for up to fifteen billion dollars and twelve point five percent of its eggs in the two companies briefed russian president vladimir putin late on thursday all about the deal and also to custom discussed b.p.'s expansion plans in russia meanwhile boss now is talking with banks about raising the funds to finance the potential deal. let's get on to the oil prices and while we're on the topic are they also still trading at the lowest level in more the next six weeks and that
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means the energy stocks across the equity markets are suffering solve the u.s. stockpiles as well grows the most since march in the u.s. and that means that supply is at an all time high as well as our saudi arabia oil ministers that the earlier this month prices are simply too high to russia next market and then they started on the red and they remain entrenched in negative territory in the afternoon session here in moscow really feeding off the present isn't that all the global markets are indeed down today and we've got legendary investor do rogers he believes the us a is the place to park taps right now. russians have been saying good things for one hundred years but then they would always take everybody's money away and now they seem to be from what i can gather the actions are such that they are actually putting up their own money to invest side by side with outsiders that is a remarkable change from anything that's ever happened in russia before from what
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everything i can see the russian government now understands how the international economy works and they realize they have to play by the same rules as everybody else. and stay we brush so we got the ruby on the screen for you just there is managing to lose out in the session today as for the euro it is declining downbeat data coming out from the euro zone purchasing managers index is causing a few worries almost session the exit markets are also declining for a third time in four days if we get on to the ecb is in europe and that some of that report signals that china's manufacturing industry will contract for an eleven month that's really adding to the general gloom of today's trading session and that the business you're up today i'll be back in about fifty five all right things can be seen very soon. in a few minutes we discuss just how serious is really threats against iran really are . well.
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it's technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. in japan the average height for men is one hundred eighty two centimeters ten centimeters shorter because of that some employers refused to hire me one of them even told me directly that i was too short to deal with the clients could you just already spend three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to add the coveted seven santa majors to his stature invented by the famed soviet orthopedic is good for you is there a from the nine hundred fifty s. these frames were initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them apart and therefore stimulating tissue regeneration it was out of was able to reshape arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life be sent to the other patients shattered bones and in many cases their
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shattered lives with the main goal when professor of design his first brain using bicycle parts sixty years later he says invention is increasingly being used to help people quite eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller than the ultimate goal is still the same fixing somebodies lives both literally and figuratively about a third of patients admitted to be was out of center now days seeking series three focus magic reasons most of them a man and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor novick of who operated on many of them says it usually comes down to a man's pride some of the first patients return to us with a leg length i mean a quest to meet his fifteen centimeters to still want a surgery because panos to than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix it. it may be nothing wrong with them from an orthopedic point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living below is
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fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries a band in many countries and even the out there pretty expensive in russia the entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the similar package in the united states financial considerations were one of the reasons they brought this washington state native to western siberia his main motive for the surgery had to do with how he fared in the others in america average height is one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty eight in so eight centimeters would have brought me right to average users wanted to be average for women height isn't so important you know i think girl can be short and it's not a big deal why do your guy is like expected to be taller just before the operation most this matter a russian girl who found he's a regional hide quite endearing yet he still went ahead with the surgery adding
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seven more centimeters to he self-confidence she told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. so now or should i call you so what a compliment for somebody who's used to falling short of his own expectations. to try and stay with our team because next we ask the man who is in charge of israel's missile defense about how serious israeli threats are against iran to the country's nuclear research activities. lizzie rubin the very first director of the israeli missile defense organization it's great to have you with us or today israel keeps all its options open when it comes to iran suspected its activity of making a nuclear bomb including a war.


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